4B America Endorses Kamala Harris for President
At 4B America, we are proud to endorse Kamala Harris for President. Kamala brings a strong commitment to protecting abortion rights and addressing income inequality—two critical issues that impact women across the United States. Her proposal for an unrealized capital gains tax is a groundbreaking move, as it presents one of the first real solutions for addressing the vast wealth accumulated by billionaires. With this, she is actively working towards an America where economic power is less concentrated and accessible to more people.
We recognize that Kamala is not a fully gender-critical candidate and does not align perfectly on all gender issues. However, it’s important to remember that no candidate is flawless in this regard. Recently, we’ve seen some women consider supporting Donald Trump solely due to his stances on trans issues. Women must realize that conservatives aren’t implementing trans restrictions out of genuine concern for women; rather, it’s driven by biblical and ideological control. These actions are part of a larger Christian nationalist agenda to ban abortion, restrict birth control, and enforce rigid gender roles, not to protect women’s rights.
While being gender-critical is an important aspect of our values—particularly with regard to keeping men out of women’s prisons and sports—this election is about much more than that. The issue of trans individuals, who represent less than 1% of the population, shouldn’t overshadow the crucial matters affecting all women, such as abortion rights. Kamala has consistently stood up for reproductive freedom, which directly impacts every woman in the United States.
Electing the first female president would be a major milestone for women, regardless of the specific policies she enacts. Having a woman in the highest office in the country will help normalize women’s leadership and empower feminist women at every level of government. While Kamala Harris may not align perfectly with every feminist viewpoint, it’s unrealistic to expect her to be fully gender-critical when many women in America are still developing their understanding of these issues.
In Kamala, we see a leader who stands on the right side of the most pressing issues for women today. Her commitment to abortion rights and tackling income inequality shows she is ready to make substantial changes that benefit all women. We look forward to a future where women not only support female candidates, but see themselves in the highest levels of power, and with Kamala Harris as President, that future comes one step closer to reality. ♀