4B America Supports the Childfree Movement
Another movement that we support along with antinatalism is the childfree movement. Out of all the Bs, the most notable to all types of feminists is “no giving birth”. The act of not having children is a simple thing we can do to improve the living standards of women worldwide.
The childfree movement differs from the 4B Movement because they still allow relationships with men and marrying men. While we are against those things, we still support the childfree movement in general. Ideally, all women would be 4B, but reality can often conflict with our ideals. Intermediate movements are always needed, and the childfree movement is the intermediate step to being 4B. It’s similar to the case when people go vegan. The change towards veganism often isn’t a direct change, but can start with a person eating less meat, then becoming vegetarian, then slowly easing into veganism. Most people in the world will probably not become fully vegan soon, but many are eating significantly less meat. Similarly, while most women will not be 4B any time soon, a large amount will stop having children.
At 4B America, we will continue to advocate against marriage and relationships with men. However, in a world where the default is having children, a woman in a relationship with man but who is childfree is still doing far better than most women out there. A woman without children is free from the traumatic damage from childbirth and the unending stress of childrearing. We’re unlikely to get women going from the path of traditional marriage and nuclear family directly to 4B, but among the childfree and antinatalists, we have a large pool of women to advocate to. We support the continued growth of the childfree movement because we recognize it as a transitional step into living a full 4B lifestyle.
Also, it may only take another 10 years in America for the amount of single women to outnumber the women who are married. We are just expanding on what the childfree movement built and taking it further. Freedom for women is the goal, and every step towards that goal matters. ♀