Are Most Men Pedophiles?
Data from the book Dataclysm shows that there was a significant difference between the age preferences of men and women. Women of all ages preferred men who were around the same age as them. However, men of all ages preferred women in their early 20s.

Keep in mind that this study had 20 as the lowest age selectable, so men would most likely pick 18 if this was an available age to choose from. Many men admit openly online to being attracted to teenagers as young as 13, so 18 isn’t a hard limit for them either.
The Fertility Excuse
Many men say that it’s normal or natural to be attracted to teenagers because men desire fertility. This argument is invalid because women are actually most suited for childbearing around the age of 30, when their hips are the widest and the chance of complications is the lowest. Pregnancy always comes with extreme negative effects for women, but these effects are significantly more adverse in the cases of teen pregnancies.
Why Do Men Actually Go For the Lowest Age?
Men often know that older women won’t put up with their poor behavior. Thus, they look for younger women who may not be as educated and who will be easier to manipulate. Men desire women that they can control easily and that they can mold into what they want.
Male depravity goes to extreme levels and “teen” is one of the most searched porn terms. Among men there is an extreme obsession with so-called “barely legal” porn that shows teens that are as close to 18 as possible.

This disturbing trend shows that men would go much lower if they were allowed to. It’s only the law that prevents them from going into full degeneracy, and even then law doesn’t stop them in most cases. Male pedophiles of all types are regularly found in all professions, including teachers, sports coaches, politicians, and police officers.
Some blame porn for the trend of men becoming pedophiles. Porn is definitely a problematic industry that needs to be dismantled, but men would likely be pedophilic even without porn. Porn may increase the depravity of males, but men only created and sought porn in the first place because they were already depraved.
In many third-world countries, child abuse, rape, and marriage are very common. Iraq recently proposed a law change that would allow men to marry 9-year-old girls.
Even without access to porn, males will act in a depraved manner. Most of them cannot control themselves. The brutality of males should not be dismissed or ignored. In war time we see what men would do when there’s no laws to restrain them. They will rape everyone including young children, women, and even other men. The rape of children during wartime has been common across male soldiers of various countries and cultures.
Russian soldiers raped little childern in occupied Ukrainian settlements (babel.ua)
What Should Women Do?
Women must not be delusional about men, and accept the fact that most of them are pedophiles. Pedophilic tendencies seem to be an innate part of male behavior, and it is only the law that makes them pretend that they are not pedophiles.
Women all around are hurt by men’s pedophilic tendencies. We often see that many older women are left by their husbands who go out and chase younger women. Young girls are stalked, abused, and raped by pedophiles. The so-called “sex work industry” involves young women being exploited by older men.
The best option for women is to recognize this truth about men, and to remain separate from them entirely. No marriage with men, no cohabitation with men, and no dating men. Interactions with men should be kept to a minimum. Women must also teach their daughters and teen girls the truth about male depravity.
Teach young girls that male romance is a lie, and they do not need a man to “save them” or to “take care of them”. The only true freedom lies in female separation. ♀️