Men in All Level of Politics are Complicit in Pedophilia and Sex Trafficking
Men of all levels in politics are guilty of enabling pedophilia and sex trafficking. Representative Matt Gaetz was caught sex trafficking and having sex with an underage girl, yet, hes is not in jail.
House Ethics report finds evidence Matt Gaetz paid for sex and drugs | CNN
Other male politicians, the male-run justice system, and male-run police system are all complicit in allowing this to happen. It’s clear that open pedophilia is sex trafficking is allowed, given that Trump is president. Both Republicans and democrats have done nothing about this.
The ethics report released on Gaetz seems more of Republicans’ ways of saying that they do not want him in politics anymore, rather than an attempt to actually punish him for his crimes. It’s clear that they do not care about justice, as long as they can distance themselves from him. Even though the law explicitly forbids pedophilia and sex trafficking, they choose to take no actions.
All men in power are complicit in this system. They have the resources to easily do justice but they don’t. Many of them are afraid to rule against each other or make an outrage because they are part of it as well. It’s not just Epstein, or Diddy, but every male, and not just those in power. It’s not just elite males or one pedophile cult. Many think of life as some QAnon conspiracy where a few leaders control a world pedophile ring, but in reality sex trafficking and pedophilia occur among all males everywhere, at every level of income, occupation, and government.
This is not a left vs right issue or elite vs the poor. Sex trafficking goes unpunished at all levels, because the men in power let it. Understand that even those men who aren’t involved in pedophilia or sex trafficking directly, will still turn a blind eye to injustice and let their fellow men get away with it. Avoid men whenever possible, they voted for this and even after their “favorites” are accused, many will still blindly support them. Only a society led by women can eliminate sex trafficking for good. ♀