“No War but Class War” is for Delusional Males
It’s not uncommon for men to downplay or ignore the larger systemic issues in society, particularly those between men and women. Often, they try to simplify these problems and create rallying cries that are tailored to male interests, with one of the most popular being “No war but class war.” The idea behind this slogan is that no other forms of oppression matter as long as the rich are overthrown, and all attention should be focused on addressing wealth inequality.
While wealth inequality is undoubtedly an issue that needs urgent attention, the problem with the “No war but class war” ideology lies in its oversimplified approach and short-sightedness. Males, in particular, have an affinity for revolutionary movements that appeal to violence and drastic action, which often leads to disastrous outcomes when executed. History has shown that revolutions led by men, such as those under Lenin and Stalin, ultimately result in more concentrated power in the hands of a select few men. Despite the deaths of millions, the ultimate outcome of these revolutions is the creation of a new ruling class of men, not income equality. The rich may have changed, but the power structures remain fundamentally the same—or even worse.
Furthermore, it’s important to note that the poor are often as complicit in the oppression of women as the wealthy are. Poor men around the world enslave women, sell them into sex slavery, marry child brides, and engage in domestic violence. Poor men are the top contributors to the high rates of femicide. These men are no allies to women. It’s a fallacy to think that a poor man, upon acquiring wealth, would somehow become more compassionate or less exploitative. In fact, studies show that individuals who rise from poverty and accumulate wealth often become less empathetic toward those who are still poor, even more so than those who grew up wealthy.
Why Those Who Overcame Poverty Have Less Sympathy for the Poor | Psychology Today
While this study doesn’t differentiate between genders, the trend is strikingly evident in men. Many men, regardless of their class, view wealth and success as a “winner-takes-all” competition, doing whatever it takes to get ahead. This mentality, often seen in large corporations and even in “small businesses” run by men, is rooted in cutting corners and avoiding regulations to maximize profits.
Whether it’s the exploitation through the laws and governance of the wealthy or through crime and robbery by poor men, neither group demonstrates a true concern for the well-being of others. Revolutions led by men don’t result in prosperity or equality for the average person; instead, they lead to the emergence of a new class of male rulers, who are oftentimes even more overtly cruel than their predecessors.
Does the world need income equality? Absolutely. But expecting men to lead this change is misguided. Men, who won’t even acknowledge that their greed and lust for control and power are the root causes of inequality, are not capable of creating a truly equitable society. Women, on the other hand, have the potential to lead with compassion, understanding, and a long-term vision that prioritizes the collective good over individual gain. It is women who will be the ones to guide us toward a better world—one where power is shared, equality is prioritized, and compassion leads the way. ♀