Remember to Take Breaks
Activism is essential for creating long-term change, but it’s also a journey that requires endurance and careful self-care. To be most effective in the long run, it’s vital to remember the importance of taking breaks. Activism can be grueling and emotionally taxing, and if you don’t give yourself time to recover, you risk burnout. Rest isn’t just a luxury—it’s necessary for maintaining the strength and clarity needed to keep pushing forward. When we take time away to recharge, we ensure that we can continue to contribute effectively rather than becoming overwhelmed by constant immersion in difficult issues.
One of the things that helps us at 4B America maintain balance is having shared activities and moments of enjoyment outside of our work. One activity that brings a lot of us together is female pop music. While not without its flaws—at times focusing too much on men, relationships, or unrealistic beauty standards—it’s undeniable that pop music is often empowering. The pop charts are currently dominated by women, and many of these stars, despite the ups and downs in their personal lives, remain unmarried and childless, showing that prioritizing one’s career can bring the most success. These women are paving the way for greater autonomy, proving that it’s possible to thrive independently of traditional expectations around marriage and motherhood. While pop music isn’t always a perfect feminist anthem, it still provides a sense of connection and joy, something we acknowledge but also recognize its limits.
It’s crucial to remember that activism doesn’t have to consume all of your time and energy. There’s a world beyond the struggles we fight for, and it’s important to take moments for yourself. Whether it’s enjoying your favorite music, cooking a delicious meal, or exploring the outdoors, engaging in activities that bring you happiness and peace is essential. Life isn’t just about work or activism—it’s about living fully. Taking breaks and enjoying life’s pleasures doesn’t diminish your activism; rather, it fuels it, giving you the energy to keep fighting the good fight for as long as it takes. ♀