Stop Hoping for Relationships with Men
How many times have you seen women hold out for a relationship with men, only to be repeatedly disappointed? It’s a pattern that plays out far too often—women who yearn for companionship or feel lonely, only to find that every relationship with a man goes wrong, often ending in abuse, neglect, or emotional trauma. The truth is, there are very few, if any, truly good men out there to date, and society’s pressure on women to find fulfillment through a relationship with a man is both misleading and harmful.
Let’s look at the facts. In America, around 90% of men consume porn, and 70% are overweight. When you do the math, this leaves a mere 3% of men who neither watch porn nor are overweight. But even within this tiny fraction, the likelihood of finding a man who is in your age range, shares your values, lives nearby, and is free of other major issues is slim to none. Additionally, many men, even those who appear to be “good,” may still hold outdated expectations about gender roles, such as expecting women to shoulder the majority of household chores while also working full-time. The reality is stark: there are very few, if any, dateable men out there.
Even so-called “good” men often only put up an illusion when they are around women. When in the company of other men, their true nature often comes to the surface—they may cheat, make inappropriate comments about wanting sex with other women, and turn a blind eye to the bad behavior of their peers. Men are dangerous because they can present falsely around women, hiding their true intentions while dragging out a relationship for as long as possible, all for their own benefit. This deception is a significant risk, as it can lead to prolonged emotional harm and wasted years.
But here’s the thing—there is no reason a woman really needs a man. The fear of loneliness that drives many women to seek out relationships is largely a product of societal conditioning, media portrayals, and the fear of missing out (FOMO). We’ve been bombarded with images and stories of women finding happiness and fulfillment through love with a man, but what these narratives don’t show is the emptiness and frustration that often lie beneath the surface of such relationships.
The truth is, a man is not going to offer you the deep, meaningful companionship you crave. More often than not, they will do the bare minimum required to maintain the relationship—just enough to keep the sexual benefits flowing for themselves. Despite what certain media portrayals may suggest, there is nothing missing in your life without a man. In fact, a life without a man is often free from a plethora of problems that many women in relationships endure daily.
Without a man in your life, you don’t have to worry about spousal abuse, sexual assault, or rape by a husband or boyfriend—an unfortunate reality for far too many women. You also won’t have to deal with the stresses of birth control or the fear of an unplanned pregnancy. Men cannot offer much financially, and often they expect to be taken care of, which can be a further drain on your finances and emotional well-being.
You are not less valid or less worthy without a male presence in your life. If you ever feel that pang of loneliness or the fear of missing out, just know that this is a feeling pushed by society, not a reflection of your true worth. The reality is, you are in the best position when you are free from the burdens that men often bring. Embrace the freedom, the peace, and the empowerment that comes from living a life unshackled by the expectations and disappointments of relationships with men. You are whole, you are strong, and you are more than enough—just as you are. ♀