Why We Don’t Support the Marxist Feminist Label

While we do follow some Marxist radical feminist pages, our interest is in the feminist aspects of these pages, not the Marxist ideology itself. We don’t support Marxism because it is not inherently feminist. It is the vision of one male—Karl Marx—whose ideas were never meant to center women’s autonomy or well-being. Moreover, history has shown that attempts to implement Marxism have led to widespread genocide and destruction. We understand that some feminist pages are simply using the Marxist label because they are anti-capitalist, but we should not label any of our movements after one deranged male.

Men have often exhibited the dangerous hubris of believing that one individual, particularly a man, can design a perfect, utopian society. Marx was not the first or last to believe this. Throughout history, various men and their followers have convinced themselves that their version of society—theirs only—was the only right way to organize the world. But when these ideas are put into practice, they often lead to oppression and violence, especially when they clash with the ideas of other egoistic men. Men who believe they can single-handedly create a utopia, and the men who follow them, are a serious threat to humanity. In their pursuit of this so-called ideal society, they are willing to commit horrific acts that lead to millions of deaths.

We acknowledge that capitalism under male leadership is an exploitative and unjust system. We do not need others to remind us of this—many radical feminists already understand the inherent flaws in capitalism. However, we must also recognize that Marxist systems, when applied in practice, lead to even more unequal wealth distribution. Under Marxism, a select group of state officials hold control over all economic resources and systems, including the press, creating an even deeper form of exploitation. Some men may claim that this is not “true” communism or Marxism, but the reality is that Marxist utopia will never come to fruition because there is no perfect society to build. All we will see is further destruction and death in the pursuit of an unattainable ideal.

Instead of obsessing over male leaders and their failed ideas, we must reject systems that were built by men for men. While economic systems certainly deserve consideration, we should not define ourselves by the ideology of one man, particularly when that man’s ideas have repeatedly caused widespread devastation. By aligning ourselves with Marxism, we are inadvertently lending credibility to one man’s vision of a utopia, a vision that has proven disastrous.

A truly liberated economic system cannot be built by male oligarchs under any guise—whether that’s Marxism, capitalism, fascism, nationalism, or any other framework men have devised. A true free economic system will come from many women working together with modern ideas, not some deranged man that lived in the 1800s. Radical feminists, working together, will not be able to bring about a utopia, but they will be able to build a far better government and economic system than the world has seen before.

Written by 4B Admin

Female separatism provides a radical approach to achieving true freedom by establishing women-only spaces that reject patriarchal norms and empower women to live autonomously. No sex with men, no giving birth, no dating men, and no marrying men.

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